Linguistics and Law in the Courtroom the Challenges of a Textualist Approach
Textualism, i.e. the search for an interpretation of texts faithful to their original age, is a new emerging trend in legal interpretation, but its practical implementation is often incomplete. What are the opportunities and risks involved in the spread of
Surveillance Capitalism—What Do We Really Use Artificial Intelligence For?
As the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data-based technologies continues, their impact on our everyday lives will become more and more visible. At the same time, AI-based developments are not only affecting our lives in terms of convenience
Small Language Models, Big Impact: The New Way of AI
The development of artificial intelligence has brought significant advances in the field of language models in recent years. These models can generate texts that are deceptively like human language usage. They can also analyze texts efficiently and translate between languages
Digital Battlefields and Wars Fought in the Shadows—Part II.
Digital invasions: how are cyber weapons changing conflicts? In presenting the tools of hybrid warfare, we have seen how military, economic, political, and (dis)information elements are intertwined in modern conflicts. However, one of the most prominent and dynamically evolving areas of
Deadbots may haunt the living
„Meanwhile, the second brother journeyed to his own home, where he lived alone. Here, he took out the stone which had the power to recall the dead and turned it thrice in
Digital Battlefields and Wars Fought in the Shadows—Part I.
Tools and strategies in modern conflicts Warfare has evolved throughout human history, adapting to technological and social changes. In recent decades, hybrid warfare has played an increasingly important role in conflicts. It combines traditional military operations, cyber warfare, and disinformation campaigns.
Seven Recommendations for Designing Driverless Cars Ethically
“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”
Is Law Still the “it-profession” or the New IT-Profession? How Programming Changes the Playing Field of Private Legal Professionals
Smartphones. Smart homes. Smart contracts? Is it actually an innovation that can cause programmers to draft our contracts in the future? Are smart contracts that smart that they cannot be breached? Is code able to be law or is it
The Last Generation of Lawyers? How Technology Changes the Face and the Body of a Profession
Lawyers arrive at a crossroads… is not how another lawyer joke starts. The emergence of LegalTech is a threat and also a tool to the legal profession. It only depends on the approach. In this post, it will be argued
Individual Autonomy in the World of AI?—How Long Can Fundamental Rights Offer Protections in the Face of Evolving AI
This article lays out an analysis of the key points regarding privacy and the individual autonomy constitutionally anchored to it in the digital age. The topic is also relevant in the discourse on free speech through the intersections of law