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Mónika MERCZ


Areas of Practice:

Mónika Mercz JD is a visiting researcher at The George Washington University in Washington D.C. She is completing her PhD studies in Law and Political Sciences at the Doctoral School of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, where her research topic examines how constitutional identity manifests in essential state functions of the Member States of the European Union. A graduate of the University of Miskolc with a degree in law, she specialized as an English legal translator, and holds a degree in AI and Law from the University of Lisbon. Mónika has over fifty scientific publications, and has attended numerous international conferences. She is currently working for the Public Law Center of Mathias Corvinus Collegium, and has previously worked for The National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, The Office of the National Assembly and the Miskolc Regional Court. She was previously the Secretary General of ELSA Miskolc (2020-2022), and is currently a member of Aurum Foundation, YATA Hungary, and the international director of Central European Lawyers Initiative.

She is a founding editor of Constitutional Discourse, leading the Privacy & Data Protection column.